Electric Laser Acupuncture Pen
Electric Laser Acupuncture Pen
Electric Laser Acupuncture Pen
Electric Laser Acupuncture Pen
Electric Laser Acupuncture Pen

Electric Laser Acupuncture Pen


     Have you thought about treating your body aches and pains with acupuncture but are afraid of being punctured with needles? Well, fear no more and try the Electric Laser Acupuncture Pen instead! This pen is a painless, acupuncture-type stimulation that uses an electric pulse to activate tissues, firm sagging and aging skin, promote healthy blood circulation, detox the meridians and help to reduce muscle pain.

    Easy To Use - The Electric Laser Acupuncture Pen One AA Battery (not included) to function.  It has a digital display that shows the strength of the electrical pulse output (0 - weakest and 9 - strongest). Simply press the start button to increase or decrease the strength of the electric pulse.

    Portable Pain Reliever - The Electric Laser Acupuncture Pen is lightweight and fits easily in your pocket, bag or pouch. Use it while traveling or just for a long day at work, where you'll need relief from your pain.


    Fusion of modern biotechnology, high-quality massage pen, good for health promotion.
    Electric magnet therapy without piercing the skin to do acupuncture.
    Simple operation, easy to carry.
    Safe and effective, with no side effects.
    Affordable family use.


    Type: Massage Pen
    Power: 1 x AA Battery (Not Included)
    Main Color: Silver
    Material: Magnet, Alloy
    Features: Magnet Therapy, Health Promotion, Modern Biotechnology
    Size: 7.8inches x 1.1inches/7.87" x 1.18" (Approx.)

    Package Includes:

    1  Massage Pen (Battery Not Included)
    1  User Manual